Amy, your books need to be read and many someones out there are waiting for Linnea to brighten their day. I, for one, can hardly wait and lucky is the indie publisher who gets chosen to partner with you in that adventure.

That flash fiction gave me goosebumps! Well done!

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Thank you for all your support, Noemie. 💜

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Oh: and keep writing!

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I relate. Not now as much but in the recent past. I used to write huge chunks of books at a time, doing 6-8, even 10 hour writing days. I don’t do that anymore. But hey whatever gets it done. I interned for a literary agent for almost a year before I started getting my own work published a decade ago and then started editing books for money. Agents are slippery, frustrating creatures. Don’t buy the hype about underpaid/overworked agents/editors: 99% of them are trust fund kids; everyone knows you don’t make money as an agent. It’s mostly 25 to 30-year-olds in Bushwick, Brooklyn 🙄

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