Voyage of the Pleiades was published a year ago today. For the reader, the life of a book begins on publication day. For the author, it’s more complicated.
Google “post publication depression” and page after page of results spool forth. Authors frequently experience a mood drop after publication. We spend years writing and editing. Volunteer ourselves for the ego busting process of querying (without realizing that more torture looms on the horizon). Survive through the stress of preparing a book for publication. On the day the book releases, you brace yourself for reviews, marketing, interviews…Imposter syndrome 24/7.
During those years, you kindle a little flame of hope with your writing, but it’s your flame. You’re the one huddled around the warmth, feeding it kindling, whispering incantations to keep it burning. On publication day, the hope ends, and reality begins. Breaking that seal of solitude sends you into Dante-circles of vulnerability.
If you are me, you add to that delirium by also editing a second book. Doubt gremlins visit during creation. Perched on your shoulder, perfumed with the smell of forgotten books; they whisper every negative thought/review you can dream up.
So, I guess this is all to say, that it’s been a mixed year. There is tremendous joy in sharing your work and having people love it. It brings the highest highs. But it is also accompanied by the lowest lows. And you must find a way to navigate through.
For me, it was to keep pushing forward. I’ve continued the marketing of Voyage of the Pleiades. Garden of Shadows is about to head to my editor as we enter the final stages of editing. One of the goals of my trip to Africa was to connect with my characters again. They went quiet on me. I did that by visiting places from the Voyage of the Pleiades.

I went to the Chelsea Physic Garden and Kew Botanical Garden. Wandering the glasshouses and paths that started me down this journey with Linnea stirred the coals of creation.
I also visited Marianne North’s original painting that is the cover for Voyage of the Pleiades.
When I came home, I allowed my experiences to marinate. And one day while I was weeding in the yard, the first line of the third book came to me. My characters have more to say, so our journey will continue at least a bit longer.
There were times during this year that I wondered if I murdered my lifelong dream by publishing a book. One of the main reasons I’ve been able to continue is all of you, my readers. Every time one of you stayed up all night to finish the book. Or bought copies for friends. Or left a lovely review. You encouraged me to keep going. So, I’ll keep writing. For me. But also, because there is nothing better than being able to share this world I’ve created with you.
Salud, to a year of Voyage of the Pleiades!
Felicitations, dear Amy! You continue to inspire us all. I can't wait for Garden of Shadows, and I'm delighted to learn that another story is in development. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!
So poignant and true for many of us who continue on this winding journey called writing. Thank you for this. And congratulations on yr anniversary!